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BCV-net and BCV Mobile will be unavailable on Saturday 08 March from 10h30 pm until Sunday 09 March 05:00 am due to server maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

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Importing and exporting

We can assist you on international markets through our network of banking correspondents and financial institutions. BCV has many years of experience in providing expert advice and services to companies specializing in international trade.

Foreign-currency account

A foreign-currency account is essential when recording regular deposits and withdrawals in the same foreign currency or if you want to keep funds in their original currency. 

Corporate current account

This basic account for managing your cash resources is well suited for international transactions.

Learn more about corporate current account

Foreign currency loans

You can also obtain commercial loans in foreign currencies from BCV to help expand and enhance your international business.

Working capital loan

Working capital loan can cover your liquidity requirements by setting up a credit limit on your current account. Interest is charged at a variable rate and the amount you pay is based on use of the credit facility, not on the limit granted.

Learn more about working capital loan

Fixed-term advance

Fixed-term advances are commercial loans with a fixed rate of interest. The funds are released in the form of a lump sum and are also repaid in this form on a defined date.

Learn more about fixed-term advances

Other import/export products

BCV provides other types of products to Companies specializing in international trade can choose from a number of other BCV products designed to reduce both transactional and forex risks.

Trade finance account

This account is designed for companies involved in the financing of commodities, precious metals and agrifoods. The account, which is not subject to transaction fees, can be denominated in Swiss francs, US dollars, euros or sterling.

Learn more about trade finance account


BCV e-FOREX is BCV’s comprehensive forex platform that lets you conduct spot and forward transactions and swaps.

Learn more about BCV e-FOREX