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Current 22,287.56
Close 22,314.65
Low 22,226.34
ISIN DE0008469008
+/- -27.09 (-0.12%)
Open 22,329.22
High 22,393.59
Exchange Short Name DAX Ind

Top 5

Beiersdorf Br 128.05 +1.47%
Bayer N 22.065 +1.42%
HeidelbergMat I 138.70 +1.39%
BASF N 48.605 +1.36%
Deutsche Post N 37.05 +1.34%

Flop 5

Siemens Energy Rg 57.62 -4.29%
MTU Aero Engin N 303.00 -3.96%
Airbus Br Rg 159.22 -3.81%
Daimler Tr Hldg Rg 41.00 -2.26%
SAP I 269.70 -1.91%
