Our partnership

Partners in sustainable finance

In this partnership, Ethos carries out non-financial assessments of companies, exercises voting rights, and maintains a dialogue with the companies we invest in. Our Asset Management team contributes its expertise in financial analysis and portfolio management.

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Our approach

A clear, long-term commitment

We proactively offer our customers a wide range of responsible investment solutions in line with market best practices. We use several core approaches to incorporate ESG factors into our investment selection and management processes: negative screening, ESG integration, best-in-class selection and positive screening, and active ownership.

We also develop thematic investments focused on companies that aim to provide solutions to environmental and social challenges. To promote sustainable development, we have committed to working with leading institutions in the field. For instance, we have signed the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and are a member of Swiss Sustainable Finance.

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Contact us


Across Switzerland

Our Asset Management experts are present in both French- and German-speaking Switzerland and will respond quickly to your requests.

Asset Management

044 388 71 30

021 212 23 70

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