Be wary if you get a phone call from someone claiming to be an IT support person. When making payments, be sure to check the payee's bank details and the amount. Your log-in details are confidential, never share them with anyone!

BCV-net and BCV Mobile will be unavailable on Saturday 08 March from 10h30 pm until Sunday 09 March 05:00 am due to server maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

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Customize your portfolio

We have one of the largest trading rooms in French-speaking Switzerland and over 200 finance professionals to help you set up your own structured product or launch your private-label investment fund. We also offer additional services to independent asset managers.

Custom structured products

If you want to issue your own custom product, our client team will work with you throughout the issue process and then during the life of the product in the secondary market.

Your custodian bank

With CHF 34bn in total fund assets, BCV is a key player in Swiss collective investments – particularly in the real estate sector, where it holds a 50% market share in private-label funds.

Custom investment funds

Gérifonds has 50 years of experience in Switzerland and 20 years in Luxembourg in the fund management industry which is the equivalent of a Management Company (ManCo) in Luxembourg. As of the 31st December 2021we handle a total of CHF 20.2 billion assets, 129 funds. We also have proven processes, stability of tenure of personnel who are experts in their field all of which enables us to offer a first-rate service to our partners.

What's the next step?

The contact information shown here is reserved for our professional clients (e.g., institutional clients, financial intermediaries, pension funds, insurance companies, and businesses).

Visit us

Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Place Saint-François 14
Case Postale 300
1003 Lausanne


Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Talacker 35
8001 Zurich

Call us

Advisory service
Foreign exchange
Occupational pensions
Structured products
Wholesale distribution funds

We're available Monday to Friday, from 8:00am to 6:00pm.

Write to us

We'll get back to you within one working day.