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Indirect real estate investment funds

Are you a real-estate professional looking to launch your own investment vehicle?

Whether you are exploring the feasibility of a tailor-made project, looking for administrative solutions, or need support for market-making activities, BCV is your partner of choice. As a client, you will benefit from the expertise of a solid team of 15 specialists in indirect real estate who understand your needs and can support you with all aspects of your investment fund throughout its life cycle.

BCV also acts as a market maker and organizes the secondary market for the trading of real estate fund shares. As such, BCV is the prime broker of the digital exchange platform PropertyMatch, which enhances liquidity and transparency on the unlisted real estate market and increases fund promoters’ visibility with investors.

Accompagnement sur l’ensemble des thèmes et des étapes de la vie des fonds de placement

Our offer

Sparring partner

We advise you on key concerns and strategic planning for your real estate investments.

Fund structuring

We provide support for your real estate securitization projects.

Custody Services

We assist you with the day-to-day management of your real estate funds.

Investment services

We provide liquidity in the secondary market for your real estate fund.

Partnership model

We aim to provide our clients with the best the market has to offer. That’s why we’ve developed a partnership model: we surround ourselves with top experts and service providers so that we can propose comprehensive solutions. This model also allows us to provide added value by delivering a range of additional services.


Where can I find news and information on the indirect real-estate market?

  • You can find a wide range of information on Immoday, a digital platform for indirect real estate in Switzerland, which provides comprehensive market news to industry professionals and investors.

What kind of investment vehicles does BCV offer?

  • Thanks to our 15+ years of experience, we work with over 25 funds as well as around 10 real-estate foundations and limited partnerships. We also offer fund monitoring services for real estate companies.

Who should I contact if I wish to invest in a fund? How liquid are unlisted funds?

  • The custodian bank organizes the secondary market for unlisted funds. You can also visit the digital exchange platform to view investors’ price and volume interests in real time and consult historical trading data.

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Contact us

BCV - Banque Dépositaire - Lausanne
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Av. de la Vallombreuse 100
1008 Prilly

Phone: +41 21 212 40 96

BCV - Depotbank - Zürich
Banque cantonale Vaudoise
Talacker 35
8001 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 388 71 34