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Epargne 3 youth accounts

Let's get your Pillar 3 retirement savings started

  • The more you set aside, the less tax you'll pay**

  • Put aside what you want, when you want

  • Build up your retirement savings

  • Enjoy a fee-free account just for 18- to 30-year-olds

  • Get a bonus on the basic Epargne 3 interest rate

  • We'll match up to CHF 100 on your first Portfolio 3 deposit*

*We’ll match up to CHF 100 on your first deposit into your Epargne 3 Youth account if you open it at the same time as a Portfolio 3 account that you regularly pay into with a standing order. You must be under 30 to qualify.

**For example, if you’re unmarried, have no children, live in Lausanne, and have taxable income of CHF 60,000, you’ll save CHF 1,671 in taxes if you pay the maximum annual amount of CHF 7,056 into your Pillar 3 account (based on January 2023 tax rates).

Epargne 3 Youth Accounts

Do you want to save on taxes and build up your retirement savings?

Our Epargne 3 Youth Account lets you do just that. To qualify for this type of account, you simply need to live and work in Switzerland, and your income must be subject to Swiss social security contributions.

Open an Epargne 3 Youth account

Your savings in just a few clicks

.- CHF
- +
.- CHF
0.-CHF 7'056.- CHF

Simulation result

Tax savings

CHF after 1 year
or % of annual contribution

CHF after 5 years

Projected savings

CHF after 5 years
of which CHF in interest at a rate of %

Status of your Epargne 3 account
Including net contributions,* tax savings and interest

* net contribution = full-year contribution - tax savings

The calculations are based on the information you entered. They also take into account tax figures as well as the latest market data provided by netcetera. The result is a non-binding simulation that cannot be used to contest the decision of the competent tax authority.


  • We’ll match up to CHF 100 on your first deposit into your Epargne 3 Youth account if you open it at the same time as a Portfolio 3 account that you regularly pay into with a standing order
  • No management fees
  • You put aside what you want, when you want
  • Payments into the account are deductible from your taxable income (within the legal limit)
  • The money in your account is not subject to wealth tax, and it is taxed at a reduced rate as you take it out

Withdrawal conditions

  • You can start withdrawing your funds no more than five years before the legal retirement age.  If you continue working after the legal retirement age, can provide proof of employment, and keep paying into a Pillar 3 account, you can get the corresponding Pillar 3 tax benefits. You can deduct your Pillar 3 contributions from your taxes for up to five years after the legal retirement age.
  • If you want to buy a house or pay down your mortgage.
  • If you leave Switzerland permanently.
  • If you want to become self-employed.
  • If you use the money you withdraw to make voluntary occupational pension contributions.
  • If you become eligible for full disability benefits in the Swiss social security system.

can start withdrawing your funds no more than five years before the legal retirement age.  If you continue working after the legal retirement age, can provide proof of employment, and keep paying into a Pillar 3 account, you can get the corresponding Pillar 3 tax benefits. You can deduct your Pillar 3 contributions from your taxes for up to five years after the legal retirement 

Fees and conditions


Fees and conditions

Interest rate


  • If you want to become self-employed.
  • If you leave Switzerland permanently.
  • If you want to buy a house or pay down your mortgage.
  • If you use the money you withdraw to purchase past years in an occupational pension fund.
  • If you become eligible for full disability benefits in the Swiss social security system.
  • Starting no more than five years before the legal retirement age. If you continue working after the legal retirement age and keep paying into an Epargne 3 account, you can get the corresponding tax benefits for up to five years after the legal retirement age.


  • Your income must be subject to Swiss social security contributions.
  • Maximum full-year amount of tax-deductible contributions: CHF 6,883, if you pay into an occupational pension; otherwise, 20% of your income, up to a limit of CHF 34,416.


Useful documents


Related services

Young Savers Account

With our Young Savers account, you can earn interest at an attractive rate as you start putting money aside for the future.


e-Savings Account

As an online-only account, our e-Savings account offers a higher interest rate than our conventional Savings account.