Be wary if you get a phone call from someone claiming to be an IT support person. When making payments, be sure to check the payee's bank details and the amount. Your log-in details are confidential, never share them with anyone!

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Useful addresses

Setting up a business

Need advice or support to help you set up your business? Here’s a list of organizations you can call on.

General information about setting up a business

CVCI - Information from the Vaud Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Genilem - Advice, support, and training on starting a business

Venturelab - National initiative to support startups and other young companies

SECO - Online portal for setting up a company in Switzerland

SECO - Information on the Swiss government’s SME policy

Innosuisse - Swiss Innovation Agency

CODEV – Website of Vaud’s regional economic development agencies

SPEI - Information on local government support for businesses

General information about taking over a business

CVCI - Information from the Vaud Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Relève -PME - Information on business succession

Administrative steps

Commercial register – Information on the Canton’s commercial register

Cantonal police office covering commercial activities

OAV - Association of Vaud lawyers

ANV - Association of Vaud notaries

Fiduciaire Suisse - Vaud section of the Swiss association of fiduciaries

Financing and guarantees

Cautionnement romand – This company provides guarantees to help self-employed workers and SMEs take out a loan in cases where they fall short of downpayment or collateral requirements.

SPEI - Vaud department of economic development and innovation

Microcrédit Solidaire Suisse - Support for small businesses unable to get a bank loan

Business Angels Suisse


Intellectual property

IPI - Information from the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property

Corporate taxation

ACI - Information from the Vaud tax administration

AFC - Information from the Federal Tax Administration on a range of taxes (including VAT, withholding tax, and direct federal tax)


Job market

SEM - State Secretariat for Migration

Social security

OFAS - Information on Swiss social security from the Federal Social Insurance Office

DGCS - Vaud office for social cohesion

CVCI - Information on social security, accident insurance, income-replacement insurance, maternity benefits, family allowances, etc.

Centre patronal - Provides social security and occupational pension coverage

FVE - Information on occupational pensions

Innovation and tech transfer

INNOVAUD - Vaud-based organization promoting innovation

Alliance - Facilitates partnerships between companies and research centers in Western Switzerland

Innosuisse - Swiss Innovation Agency

FIT - Supports innovative tech projects linked to a university of applied science

Platinn - A network of qualified coaches that help startups and small businesses achieve success

Finding company

CVI premises 
- Vaud Chamber of Real Estate


GENILEM - Learn the basics of setting up a company at a Genilem workshop or through one of its immersive online courses.



Centre Patronal - A private company that supports businesses and professional groups. It assists, informs, and advises business leaders.

FVE – Helps construction companies fulfill their obligations under relevant collective employment agreements. Its services include legal advice, collective income-replacement insurance, payroll services, and regular information updates.

EPFL Innovation Park - Supports high-tech startups and hosts companies on the EPFL-UNIL campus

Y-Parc - The Yverdon-les-Bains technology park supports innovation in the region.

Specialized advice and financing

Here are some useful addresses if you are seeking the services of a fiduciary, notary, or lawyer, or if you need financing that cannot be offered by a bank.

Specialized advice


Fiduciaire Suisse - Vaud section of the Swiss association of fiduciaries

Association des notaires vaudois (ANV) - This site provides a wide range of information on notaries’ roles and responsibilities, particularly when it comes to real-estate transactions.

OAV - Association of Vaud lawyers

Financing support

Cautionnement romand – This company provides guarantees to help self-employed workers and SMEs take out a loan in cases where they fall short of downpayment or collateral requirements.

Foundation for Technological Innovation (FIT) –  - Works with tech startups, providing select firms with financing support, advice, and rental premises at EPFL’s Science Park.

Coordination de Développement Economique Vaudois (CODEV) -CODEV is the umbrella organization for Vaud’s regional economic development agencies. In addition to helping companies obtain government support, these agencies provide information and other services to local companies and municipal governments (including advice on setting up a business, forging partnerships, and relocating to Vaud).


Expanding abroad

If you’re involved in the import-export business, here's a list of organizations that help small businesses expand into the international market. We also provide contact information for other organizations that can help companies grow their business.

SPEI – This cantonal department promotes economic development, tourism, and innovation in Vaud, helping companies, municipal governments, regional agencies, and tourism providers gain access to related government services (aid, subsidies, guarantees, etc.).


Vaud Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CVCI) – The go-to organization for information, support, and advice on starting a company, relocating to Vaud, exports, and legal and tax matters.

Switzerland Global Entreprise - Provides companies in Switzerland with export-related advice

SERV - To insure your exports against political and credit risk

Other useful addresses

Tax information bureau

Eigerstrasse 65
3003 Berne
Tél.: 058 / 462 70 68


Conseil pour le Développement Economique du Canton de Vaud (DEV) - Supports, advises, and informs companies looking to relocate to Vaud.

Centre Patronal (et FPV) - A private company that provides administrative services to the Fédération Patronale Vaudoise and around a hundred other professional associations. It also informs and advises business leaders.

The FPV is an umbrella organization bringing together local companies and professional associations.

Vaud Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CVCI) – The go-to organization for information, support and advice on starting a company, relocating to Vaud, exports, and legal and tax matters.

Femmes PME Suisse Romande - Supports and promotes female business leaders, highlighting the critical role they play in the country’s economy.

Statistique Vaud - Statistique Vaud processes, analyzes, and stores public statistical data on the labor market, the economy, consumer prices, and imports and exports.

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) – The Swiss Federal Government’s department for both domestic and international economic affairs, providing information and support to cantonal governments, businesses, economic development organizations, and other partners in Switzerland.

Zefix – The national business name index