BCV's Annual Shareholders' Meeting was held today at the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, Switzerland. The meeting was attended by 786 shareholders, representing 79.36% of the Group's capital. All items on the agenda were approved, including the compensation of the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board, which was accepted by more than 97% of the votes cast.
Shareholders also approved the 2014 consolidated financial statements, which show a CHF 296m net profit, and ratified the actions of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board for the 2014 financial year. They accepted the Board's proposal to pay an ordinary dividend of CHF 22 per share and make a special distribution of CHF 10 per share out of paid-in reserves. BCV will thus return a total of CHF 275m to its shareholders.
In addition, shareholders renewed the term of office of the Bank's auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers, for the 2015 financial year.
Finally, the Board’s motion to reappoint Reto Donatsch for a further statutory four-year term of office was also approved.
Lausanne, 23 April 2015
Christian Jacot-Descombes, Press Officer
Tél.: +41 79 816 99 30
E-mail: christian.jacot-descombes@bcv.ch
Gregory Duong, Investor Relations Officer
Tél.: +41 21 212 20 71
E-mail: gregory.duong@bcv.ch