Below is a summary of the information in that brochure:
1) Client segments
Under FinSA, a client is assigned to one of three segments: retail, professional, or institutional. Unless we specify otherwise, you will automatically be categorized as a retail client, ensuring you have the highest level of protection.
2) Financial instruments and inherent risks
The Swiss Bankers Association has published a helpful brochure for investors on the different types of financial instruments and the risks they entail:
3) Information on financial instruments
Key information documents (KIDs) and the European Union equivalent, PRIIP KIDs, are standardized documents that allow you to compare different financial instruments by describing their characteristics, costs, and risk/return profile.
The KIDs and PRIIP KIDs are available on our website:
FinSA Documents
4) Costs and fees
The brochure below sets out the standard costs and fees we charge for financial services.
When setting these prices, we take into account any benefits we may receive from third parties and expenses we may have to pay in connection with our activities. These indirect costs and how they are taken into account are detailed in the document below, which clarifies the scope of Article 20, paragraph 2, of BCV’s General Conditions regarding commissions, retrocessions, and other benefits that BCV receives.
5) Conflicts of interest
We have put in place internal procedures to prevent conflicts of interest between clients and BCV, clients and individual BCV employees, or between two or more BCV clients.
6) Our best execution policy
We have taken measures to obtain the best possible conditions when executing orders and receiving or transmitting orders on behalf of our clients.