Be wary if you get a phone call from someone claiming to be an IT support person. When making payments, be sure to check the payee's bank details and the amount. Your log-in details are confidential, never share them with anyone!

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Key information documents (KIDs) and the European Union equivalent, PRIIP KIDs, are standardized documents that allow you to compare different financial instruments by describing their characteristics, costs, and risk/return profile.

By providing you with the KID or PRIIP KID of a particular financial instrument, BCV is not making a personalized investment recommendation.

The distribution of KIDs or PRIIP KIDs may be prohibited or subject to restrictions for people in jurisdictions other than Switzerland (e.g., EU, UK, and US) and for US Persons.
Some KIDs or PRIIP KIDs may not be available on BCV’s platform, which is maintained by an official and reputable provider. BCV may not be held responsible for a missing KID or PRIIP KID.

Documents for private investments and over-the-counter derivative products can only be obtained from your advisor.

Search for documents on financial instruments

Enter the ISIN or security number to search for the relevant documents. Please note that you cannot search by product name.

Following the ISIN search, here is the list of documents found.

Select the language of the document to download:

Legal documents

Other documents (funds)

Other documents (Structures)