Be wary if you get a phone call from someone claiming to be an IT support person. When making payments, be sure to check the payee's bank details and the amount. Your log-in details are confidential, never share them with anyone!

BCV-net and BCV Mobile will be unavailable on Saturday 08 March from 10h30 pm until Sunday 09 March 05:00 am due to server maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

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Playing an active role in our community

We contribute meaningfully to Vaud society and pursue an active sponsorship and donation policy.

Partnerships and sponsorships

  • Around 1.2% of the Bank’s net profit is allocated to sponsorships, donations, and other community support.
  • We back over 850 associations and events in areas such as business and the economy, sports, the arts, community-building, and the environment.
  • We also support various innovative training and skills-development initiatives.




Promoting biodiversity through local action

BCV lends its support to local associations that work to protect and restore Vaud’s natural ecosystem.

BCV - Collection d'art

The BCV art collection

The BCV art collection is made up of nearly 2,400 words by artists with strong ties to Vaud. We acquire around a dozen new pieces by emerging artists each year, and around 700 works from the collection are currently on long-term loan to more than 50 foundations and nursing homes across the Canton.

Fondation BCV

The BCV Foundation

The BCV Foundation was created in 1995 to commemorate BCV’s 150th anniversary. Operating as a separate legal entity from the Bank, it supports outreach and charity initiatives, cultural projects and academic research programs.

Learn more

Finance Mission Heroes


FinanceMission is a Swiss-wide initiative, supported by educators and backed by BCV and other cantonal banks, to promote financial literacy and teach young people how to manage their money.


The Bank runs a number of initiatives that give employees the opportunity to make a positive contribution to society and the environment.

BCV Solidarity

Through our BCV Solidarity initiative, set up in 2012, we make an annual donation of CHF 150,000 to a humanitarian project selected by a group of our employees.

bike to work

We take part in the “bike to work” challenge, which encourages people to adopt healthier lifestyles while helping to reduce CO2 emissions from employee commuting. Around 80 BCV employees participate in the challenge each year, covering nearly 15,000 km by bike.

BCV Generosity

We give employees one day’s leave each year to spend time volunteering for their favorite NGO or charity. Our staff can also join group initiatives run by various organizations, such as clearing invasive species in the Jorat forest.

Donating blood

We support the Vaud Red Cross’s blood-donation program by running on-site blood drives for our employees.