Be wary if you get a phone call from someone claiming to be an IT support person. When making payments, be sure to check the payee's bank details and the amount. Your log-in details are confidential, never share them with anyone!

11 December 2014

The Swiss cantonal banks sell their holdings in Swisscanto to ZürcherKantonalbank

BCV is selling its 7.3% share in Swisscanto, the cantonal banks' joint investment-fund venture, to ZürcherKantonalbank (ZKB). This sale is part of a deal under which all the cantonal banks are selling their holdings in Swisscanto to ZKB.

13 November 2014

BCV Group reports 9M 2014 operating profit of CHF 356m alongside rising business volumes

BCV Group's financial results at 30 September 2014 were in line with the trend observed so far this year.Business volumes continued to expand,and operating profit rose 1% to CHF 356m.

21 August 2014

BCV Group operating and net profit up slightly in H1 2014

The business trend at BCV Group in H1 2014 was in line with that observed in the first quarter. Revenues increased 1% to CHF 503m, operating profit grew 1% to CHF 239m, and net profit rose 2% to CHF 154m.

01 May 2014

Positive business trend at BCV Group in Q1 2014, with revenues and operating profit both up

In the first quarter of 2014, BCV Group experienced business growth in line with the trend observed in the second half of 2013. Revenues were up 1% and operating profit rose 2% (+CHF 2m) to CHF 117m.

01 May 2014

2014 Annual General Meeting - All resolutions approved at BCV’s annual meeting

BCV's Annual Shareholders’ Meeting was held today at the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, Switzerland.

10 April 2014

2013 Annual Report and CSR report

BCV’s 2013 Annual Report and fourth corporate social responsibility (CSR) report are now available on our website. The 2013 Annual Report contains the financial statements of the Bank and BCV Group at 31 December 2013.

10 March 2014

Ingrid Deltenre slated for BCV's Board of Directors

At the next Shareholders’ Meeting, BCV’s Board of Directors will recommend that Ingrid Deltenre, Director General of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), be named to replace outgoing Board member Beth Krasna.

20 February 2014

Continuing business volume growth and solid operating profit at BCV Group in a mixed environment

Customer-driven business volumes were once again on the rise in 2013. The low-interest-rate environment and the Bank’s voluntary cap on growth in mortgage lending continued to weigh on revenues. Operating profit was nonetheless solid at CHF 471m (–3%) thanks to firm cost control. Net profit was CHF 280m (–10%). The decline reflected one-off items, in particular relating to the US Department of Justice's program aimed at settling the tax dispute between Switzerland and the USA. At the next Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors will propose an ordinary dividend of CHF 22 per share and a special distribution of CHF 10 per share out of paid-in reserves, in accordance with the distribution policy announced in 2013. The Group will thus pay out CHF 275m to shareholders.

12 February 2014

José François Sierdo to join BCV as head of the Retail Banking Division

BCV’s Board of Directors has appointed José François Sierdo to the Bank’s Executive Board as head of the Retail Banking Division. Mr.Sierdo has more than 20 years of banking experience in Switzerland and abroad as well as in-depth knowledge of the Canton of Vaud. This makes him the ideal person to develop BCV’s retail activities going forward.