Be wary if you get a phone call from someone claiming to be an IT support person. When making payments, be sure to check the payee's bank details and the amount. Your log-in details are confidential, never share them with anyone!

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BCV Pillar 3 The winning solution

Your savings in just a few clicks

.- CHF
- +
.- CHF
0.-CHF 7'056.- CHF

Simulation result

Tax savings

CHF after 1 year
or % of annual contribution

CHF after 5 years

Projected savings

CHF after 5 years
of which CHF in interest at a rate of %

Status of your Epargne 3 account
Including net contributions,* tax savings and interest

* net contribution = full-year contribution - tax savings

The calculations are based on the information you entered. They also take into account tax figures as well as the latest market data provided by netcetera. The result is a non-binding simulation that cannot be used to contest the decision of the competent tax authority.

Plus de détails sur

Compte Épargne 3

Le Compte Epargne 3 permet d'assurer un revenu complémentaire à la retraite dans le cadre de la prévoyance du troisième pilier, avec des modalités de paiement flexibles (montant, durée et fréquence) et des avantages fiscaux importants.