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ESG asset allocation funds

Our asset allocation funds let you diversify your investments among stocks, bonds, short-term holdings and the money market, in line with your investor profile. You get a balanced investment portfolio managed by our experienced asset managers.


  • Choose among our BCV Fonds Stratégique asset allocation funds to find the optimal risk/return profile for your level of risk tolerance. You can invest even a small amount and earn potential gains from the most lucrative financial markets.
  • Our eight asset allocation funds each follow a defined strategy, and your investment portfolio will be managed by our team of experts.
  • Asset allocation funds are governed by Swiss federal law, and individual issuers are subject to strict regulatory oversight.


Our asset allocation funds are ideal for spreading risk across the main asset classes: stocks, bonds and the money market. The funds’ diversification mitigates your investment risk while giving you a balanced portfolio.

We take a responsible, sustainable approach that factors environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into our entire range of funds. By integrating these criteria into our decision-making process, we’re able to identify potential opportunities and risks that may not be captured by our core financial analyses. Plus, this approach increases your portfolio’s resilience, with no negative impact on expected risks or returns.

Our asset allocation funds offer nine investment strategies to choose from, each with a defined set of investment objectives. The asset allocation for each strategy targets a different level of return based on the desired risk exposure and investment.

ESG strategic funds

Funds that systematically integrate ESG criteria

ESG Ambition strategic funds

Funds that systematically integrate ESG criteria + thematic investments targeting solutions to environmental and social issues

  • Our active investment strategies are designed to match or beat the performance of the reference strategy during rising or volatile markets and mitigate losses during market downturns. Our investment process draws on proprietary models developed in-house that factor in economic fundamentals as well as market indicators.
  • Semi-active investment strategies track an index. They are designed to provide an attractive return over the long term for a given level of risk, although returns are more volatile in the short term.

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Other investments

Our broad lineup of investment funds includes products from BCV and partners Dynagest, Diapason, and Swisscanto, and features all the benefits of our SMARTPLAYER® concept, meaning you get to choose from innovative investment solutions that can stand alone or be combined to meet your needs.