Be wary if you get a phone call from someone claiming to be an IT support person. When making payments, be sure to check the payee's bank details and the amount. Your log-in details are confidential, never share them with anyone!

BCV-net and BCV Mobile will be unavailable on Saturday 08 March from 10h30 pm until Sunday 09 March 05:00 am due to server maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

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Invest your vested benefits

Want to invest your termination benefits your way – in the asset class that works best for your risk appetite and financial needs?

Our  investment strategies give you access to securities not available with a traditional vested benefits institution, so you can earn a greater return on your money.


  • By investing your assets, you can earn a higher return than you would get with a traditional vested benefits account
  • You can choose from a wide range of investment solutions
  • You can coordinate your vested benefits investments with your overall wealth strategy
  • Your personal advisor will monitor the performance of your vested benefits as part of our holistic approach to personal wealth management
  • You pay an all-in fee and costs are transparent
  • You’re not subject to tax on interest and dividend income
  • The money in your account is not subject to wealth tax
  • We manage your assets in accordance with the regulations governing pension fund investments (OPP2)

Our investment solutions

If you have at least CHF 250,000 in vested benefits, our discretionary management agreements can give you peace of mind: we handle all the day-to-day portfolio management activities, taking only the amount of risk you’re comfortable with as we seek the best return possible on your investments.

Depending on your investment horizon and risk appetite, you can choose between the following strategies:

We are moving away from “mandates”, as we see “agreements” used significantly more in native English banking texts.

  • Les stratégies semi-actives sont basées sur des allocations de référence, déterminées en fonction de votre profil d’investissement.
  • Active strategies aim to limit significant declines in the value of your investments, while maintaining exposure to market rallies. Compared to a semi-active approach, which is based on a constant benchmark asset allocation, our active strategies adjust exposure to the various asset classes more frequently.

Starting from CHF 1, you can also invest your vested benefits in a BCV fund with a greater or lesser equity weighting:

  • BCV Pro Patrimoine: 12.5% invested in stocks within the benchmark allocation, with a very high proportion in fixed-income instruments


  • BCV Pension 25: 25% invested in stocks, with a high proportion in fixed-income instruments
  • BCV Pension 40: Approximately 40% invested in stocks.


  • BCV Pension 70: Approximately 70% invested in stocks within the benchmark allocation

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