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BCV Custodial Start Invest

Deposit money in an investment fund for a special child in your life and help them kick start their future.

What are the advantages of BCV Custodial Start Invest?

  • The money you set aside stands to earn better long-term returns than with a Custodial Savings account.

  • You can invest starting from CHF 50 per month.

  • Your money will automatically be invested at the end of each month.

  • You can select the asset allocation fund that corresponds to the level of risk you’re comfortable with.

  • You won’t have to pay any fund subscription fees.

How does it work?

To sign up for a Custodial Start Invest account, you first have to open a Custodial Savings account in the child’s name and choose your monthly investment amount. Your BCV advisor will help you map out your investment profile and determine which BCV investment fund is right for you. The value of your investments will then be determined by that fund’s performance. When the child turns 18, they will be given control of the account. It will then be up to them to choose whether to put the funds to use or continue investing for the future.

What is an investment fund?

An investment fund is a basket of securities, usually made up of stocks, bonds, and real estate funds, that is actively managed by investment experts. You can buy or sell your shares in the fund at any time. Since your investment is spread out across a broad range of securities selected by BCV fund managers, you will be exposed to less risk.

Where will my money be invested?

When you open a Custodial Start Invest account, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire to determine your investment profile and expectations in the area of socially responsible investing (SRI). Based on your answers, we will select which BCV asset allocation fund best aligns with your financial objectives and SRI expectations. Each month, the amount you have chosen will be invested in that fund, which includes allocations to stocks, bonds, and cash. This investment solution is ideal for diversifying your risk and sources of returns.

To take full advantage of the benefits of the Custodial Savings account, we recommend an investment horizon of at least five years.

Useful documents
