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Retirement planning

Retiring is a big step, so it needs to be planned well – and well ahead. It can have a major impact on your lifestyle and finances. If you want to make the most of your golden years, start now by estimating your retirement income, expenses, and savings, and don't forget to factor in inflation.

One step at a time

Start early

  • Review your retirement savings periodically so you know where you are headed
  • Start thinking about whether you want to take an early retirement, receive your pension as an annuity or lump sum, and what level of lifestyle you would like to maintain after you stop working


Assess your income

  • Unless you have paid into the first pillar of Switzerland's social security system continuously since you were 21, you will not get the full benefits. Under the second pillar, you can receive your occupational pension in regular payments or as a lump-sum payment, or a combination of the two; to determine which is best for you, you need to consider your savings, pension coverage, financial investments, and any property you may have. 


Pick the right time

  • Your pension income will depend on when you decide to retire: early, at the legal age, or later.
  • Do you have enough income to maintain your current lifestyle for the long term?


Draw up a budget

  • To draw up a budget, you need to estimate your retirement expenses in light of inflation and your desired lifestyle. Do your best to accurately budget any specific plans you have, like taking a long trip or buying a vacation home.
  • You should go through this process again once you are retired.

Useful document

Solutions, whatever your needs

Pension planning

Our advisors can help you review your retirement savings and benefits – and suggest ways to shore them up.

Supplement your retirement income

An Epargne 3 account not only helps you supplement your retirement income, but you can also use those savings to help buy a home or start your own self-employed business.